How to take care of oily skin

Everybody has oil in their skin. Under every one of your pores is a sebaceous organ that produces regular oils called sebum. This aides keep your skin hydrated and sound. In certain individuals, however, the sebaceous organ can deliver an excess of oil which makes sleek skin. A lot of sebum can prompt slick skin,Continue reading “How to take care of oily skin”

5 Reasons Why Your Skin Isn’t Agreeing With You

Did you know that your phone has 10x the bacteria than your toilet? Your skin is the biggest organ and hence the most exposed to free radicals, bacteria, and the sun. When you’re working on your skin, the chances are that the much raved about home remedies or OTC pills may not be as effectiveContinue reading “5 Reasons Why Your Skin Isn’t Agreeing With You”

What Is the Role of Vitamin C In Hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is a frequent problem from the Indian subcontinent. It causes darkening of the skin due to acne scars, stress or nervousness, irregular skin tone due to sunlight exposure, hormonal imbalance, and a number of other explanations. It is a natural reaction in which the skin, when worried, oxidizes to make a dark, occasionally thick,Continue reading “What Is the Role of Vitamin C In Hyperpigmentation?”

The Best Skin Regimen for Acne

When you talk of acne, you think of teens as this is a part of one’s teenage years. It is a unisex problem that starts at the onset of puberty. Acne is a chronic and inflammatory problem caused by the overproduction of oil and the accumulation of bacteria. It can affect the face, neck, back,Continue reading “The Best Skin Regimen for Acne”

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